Motor City Radio Club

Field Day 2024

Field Day 2024 was a great success and was enjoyed by all. See you next year!

To our guests and visitors:

The Motor City Radio Club truly appreciated your company and enjoyable conversations. Just by coming out you added much more value and motivation to our event! We hope that you enjoyed seeing what field day and ham radio in general can offer as a fun and rewarding hobby! If you have any questions about the club or ham radio please do not hesitate to browse our website for more information or reach out to with specific questions.


The Motor City Radio Club Field Day Team

To the Motor City Radio Club's Field Day 2024 participants:

The Motor City Radio Club Field Day Team wants to extend our deepest gratitude to all the dedicated Motor City Radio Club radio operators who participated in this weekend's Field Day. Your commitment, expertise, and enthusiasm were truly remarkable. Each of you played a vital role in making this event successful. Thank you for your hard work and coming together to celebrate and demonstrate the power of amateur radio. Your efforts, which have made a significant and lasting impact on our community, are truly commendable. We look forward to many more successful events together.

With sincere appreciation,
Craig Dunn, N2WXD - Field Day 2024 Chair

Final Score Submitted to the ARRL for 2024: CW: 200 - Phone: 696

What is Field Day?

Field Day is an annual event conducted by the American Radio Relay League. On the forth full weekend of June, amateur radio operators across North America setup their equipment in fields, parking lots, and parks. Using off grid electricity and in make-work conditions. Operators make contacts with similar groups across North America.

First and foremost, ARRL Field Day stresses emergency preparedness. During this exercise, entire radio clubs get involved, and take "Field" Day literally, erecting numerous radio masts and towers, each bearing several antennas, in a field, parking lot or in a major park. Most Field Day operations use generators to provide power to ham radio transceivers. Clubs also work through logistical problems like transpiration, food, shelter and other accommodations for their group for up to 24 hours.

Field Day is rarely a single-man operation. In fact, Field Day is frequently used to highlight to the public, the virtues and utility of ham radio in an emergency situation. Some clubs demonstrate a wide range of technologies, including single sideband voice, Morse Code, and a number of digital modes including APRS, packet radio, as well as satellite communications.

  • Field Day serves serveral purposes:
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Equipment Testing
  • Operator Training
  • Demonstrating ham radio to the general public
  • Recruitment and training of new radio amateurs

The goal of ARRL Field Day is make as many contacts (QSOs in Ham speak) with as many stations as possible throughout the 24-hour duration of Field Day. These QSOs are designed to simulate the kinds of message traffic operators would be passing in emergencies. You can visit our contesting tent where where station operators are concentrating hard on earning points by getting as many contacts as possible during the 24 hour contest.

Can I Get Involved?

ABSOLUTLEY! Field Day is an event that encourages the yet-to-be-licensed members of the public to visit, ask questions, and even make a few QSOs themselves.

When you visit our Field Day site please be sure to first stop by our check-in tent. There you will find information about our particular operation as well as information about the Motor City Radio Club. Including, upcoming licensing and training events, as well as general information about ham radio and Field Day.

Our casual operations tent is the station were operators are engaged in a more laid back type of operating. This is where newer operators learn the skills necessary to be a hard core contester without worrying about the number of points earned. This is where you may see some of our members experiment with other aspects of ham radio like digital and satellite communications.

If you want to give operating a try, just ask one of our members at any tent. We will coach you through everything you need to know to make you first QSO.

Is Field Day Something for Kids?

ABSOLUTLEY! There are no age requirements to try ham radio. It is a great S.T.E.M. activity for children who are interested in electronics, robotics, computers, or just tinkering. Kids are welcome and encouraged to sit down and take a turn at the microphone. Our members will be on hand to given instructions and work with your child to make their first QSO. It is very cool to watch a child's face light up when they learn they just talked to someone from Alaska or Hawaii. They might want to take one of our training classes, or test for a license of their own.

Field day is a Family Friendly event. However, please be sure to keep children close and well supervised. The antenna fields are full of guide wires and cables. It is not the place for children to run and play. The Check-in tent is a great source of information if you are unsure of where to go.

Field Day 2024 Schedule

Setup is Friday June 21st

Operations begin June 22nd at 1400 and runs for 24 hours. Ending at 1400 on June 23rd.

Field Day 2024 Operating Signup

Sign up in three easy Steps

  1. Register for Field Day on the club Website
  2. Review the Operator and Logging schedule below to see what time slots are available
  3. Email KD8HFX(at) to secure your operating and or logging time. (We want to give members an opportunity to get involved in FD. So please be judicious in asking for operating times. As we get closer to FD2024 you can take additional open slots.)

Field Day Location

Young Patriots Park, 14133 Civic Park Dr. Riverview, MI 48193

Field Day 2024 Operating Schedule

Field Day 2018 Video Recap



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RIVERVIEW, MI 48192-4587

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