Motor City Radio Club

Tuesday Night Two Meter Net Reminder

10/09/2018 17:34 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

Just a reminder to everyone who checks into the Tuesday night information net. The WY8DOT repeater has been removed from its normal location and is now set up in a temporary location. Due to the current location and height of the antenna; you will more than likely have to turn up your power or check in from something more powerful than an HT with a rubber ducky antenna. 

Frequency and PL settings are all still the same. 147.24 + PL 100

You will also notice that there is no courtesy tone at the end of a transmission.  There is a brief squelch burst that follows when someone unkeys from the repeater. 

As there is also no digital voice recorder (DVR) on the temporary repeater; KD8HFX will be monitoring the repeater tonight, starting at 2000. If you wish to get a signal report give him a call. 


PS - ECHO LINK is still up OR Members may also want to join us on the MCRC IRC chatroom


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